Sobre a Coface


"...Pudemos alavancar nossas vendas com a segurança de cobertura."


“Nós tivemos conhecimento do seguro de crédito em um grupo que participávamos de crédito e cobrança na Abinee, no qual através de outras empresas que utilizavam o segurado de crédito e nos indicaram. Em primeiro momento realizamos uma cotação com Coface e concorrente, mas o custo melhor apresentado em oferta foi o da Coface, assim como por ser a líder no mercado brasileiro nos facilitaria nas nossas análises com o rico banco de dados, boas referências de outros clientes, excelente atendimento comercial e técnico, confiança, solidez, além de ter prestado maior assessoria e explicação sobre os detalhes do seguro de crédito. Durante nosso período de relacionamento junto a Coface, tornou-se possível aumentar as vendas para determinado nicho de clientes, que possuíam limites de créditos inferiores conosco, e após avaliação da seguradora pudemos alavancar nossas vendas com a segurança de cobertura. Vale ressaltar como exemplo, algumas vendas realizadas a construtoras as quais teríamos dificuldade de aprovação pelos altos valores da negociação, e após análise da Coface, foi possível concretizar o projeto do negócio com segurança quanto ao recebimento. Sobretudo, a Coface nos oferece maior tranquilidade na avaliação e liberação de crédito principalmente em casos de novos clientes, redução do risco da carteira, maior controle e segurança na concessão de crédito, de modo a atrair novos investimentos para nossa filial no Brasil além de que, como ponto chave, ótimo atendimento prestado”.


Pedro Ferreira, Financial Director / Rinnai

"...Queremos enfatizar as qualidades da Coface: é uma empresa que ouve, entende e apoia os seus clientes."


"Prior to our relationship with Coface, we had many doubts about credit insurance from the limitations we might have when insuring our products, to what would happen in case of a trade dispute. These doubts were due as we did not use credit insurance before, but were solved in a serious and clear way by the executives of the company.

Our relationship with Coface began a few years ago because our head office in Spain required us to contract credit insurance for our products. We discovered with great surprise the excellent services provided by the Insurer.

Through the years of experience we have been working with Coface, there are several aspects that in one way or another put the company in a privileged position over its competitors. Excellent communication with their account manager executives, in conjunction with monthly meetings between their risk underwriting department and our CEO, marketing and commercial areas; give us a close n intimate relationship with the company that is difficult to achieve. The support provided by Coface in the day to day business obliges us to be more aware about the changes that are occurring daily, because now we have two different views on the client risk (Coface’s and ours), to professionalize our credit systems and business communication.

As previously mentioned, there are subjects that t give Coface a privileged position compared with other insurers. This position is due to the coordination with us and the excellent communication with the different departments of the company. This, as already said, gives a closer relationship between the client and the insurer.

If we have the opportunity to recommend Coface, the points we would highlight be mainly:

  • Its flexibility with the customer and the services provided.
  • Their customer oriented service.
  • Their professional dedication
  • The employees professionalism to provide the best service as possible.

In conclusion, we want to emphasize the qualities of Coface. It is a company that listens, understands and supports their customers. This makes a great opportunity for anyone looking for credit insurance.”


Victor Garrido, General Director / Taurus Espana

"A Coface se distingue dos seus concorrentes pela sua capacidade de inovação, única no mercado."


“In all the years of experience working with Coface, they have demonstrated us that this insurance company not only focus on selling policies, but guide their policyholders to make better use of credit insurance.

Since the beginning of our relationship, the main reason for working with Coface was the good service level, availability and responsibility of their executives, as well as the compliance with their commitments towards us.

It is important to emphasize the fact that our knowledge about Credit Insurance has increased significantly thanks to Coface support in understanding what, how and when Credit Insurance is useful. They have also answered questions about the product such as: how accurate we could be ensured about the payment of a claim and the documentation required to be compliant with the policy. What we like the most in working with this insurer is mainly its reactivity, as well as the dedicated attention we have always received.

Coface supports us on our day to day activity with their services, which not only give us the opportunity to grant more credit facility, but helps us to improve the risk in our books, which mitigates our risk and simultaneously improves the reserves cost. Something distinguishes Coface over its competitors, is its unique innovation capacity in the market that do not have any other credit insurance company.

If we had the opportunity to recommend to Coface, the points to highlight are:

  • The certainty with which they entail processes.
  • Their experience in this business.
  • The personalized service offered to its customers.
  • Their incredible response capacity.
  • In conclusion, we want to highlight again and confirm the seriousness of the firm to honor its commitments.”


Arturo Chaltelt, Credit Products Director, Grupo Financiero Monex